Payment methods we offer you
Below are various payment methods we offer you to choose from, simply choose your prefered method that you are most comfortable to use.
Automatic Card Payment
We can send you an invite to sign up to automatic card payments. This means once a clean has been completed, payment is done automatically via your card.
GoCardless Direct Debit
We can send you a invite to sign up to GoCardless for automatic payment via GoCardless. Once a clean has been completed, this will all happen automattically.
Online Card Payment
Once a clean has been completed we will send you an invoice via text or email, however you prefer. There will be a button to press to pay using your card.
WorldPay Card Reader
Once we have completed a clean and you are present, we can use our WorldPay card reader to take payment using Contactless, Chip n Pin, or Apple Pay.
BACs Bank Transfer
Once a clean has been completed we will send you an invoice via text or email, however you prefer. At the bottom of the invoice will be the details for BACs.
Cash or Cheque
Some of our customers still prefer to use cash rather than the other methods we use. So we will of course accept cash or cheques as a payment method.